Sunday, February 13, 2011

Server Version 1.5 Release

I'm glad to announce that I have end the last version of the server and the biggest one. I had some problems with my map, but then i fixed them via an Amx Mod X Plugin made by me.

Server Changes:


ns_alphacomplex and ns_alphacomplex_bots improved and updated !

Maps Changes:

- Added Warp Track
- Added Weldable that activates warp
- Generated Basic Minimap's Sprite
- RES File Updated
- Added txt description file
- Amx Mod X Custom Plugin made to fix a problem during new rounds after the first one ends


ns_alphacomplex & ns_alphacomplex_bots Minimaps generated!


Special plugin made by me used to solve a little problem with my map previously detailed


Plugins Database Updated

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