Sunday, February 13, 2011

Server Version 1.5 Release

I'm glad to announce that I have end the last version of the server and the biggest one. I had some problems with my map, but then i fixed them via an Amx Mod X Plugin made by me.

Server Changes:


ns_alphacomplex and ns_alphacomplex_bots improved and updated !

Maps Changes:

- Added Warp Track
- Added Weldable that activates warp
- Generated Basic Minimap's Sprite
- RES File Updated
- Added txt description file
- Amx Mod X Custom Plugin made to fix a problem during new rounds after the first one ends


ns_alphacomplex & ns_alphacomplex_bots Minimaps generated!


Special plugin made by me used to solve a little problem with my map previously detailed


Plugins Database Updated

HLTV Tournament Inform

HLTV Tournament has already been played, but its lenght was very short and some seasons couldn't be played... So now in February, we're playing another tournament, it is called "HLTV Tournament Custom FriendlyPlay" it has that name due to severe conflicts during old tournament... This Tournament is also favoured for the releasing of my custom map "ns_alphacomplex" and "ns_alphacomplex_bots" for alien bots. Today, the server was updated to the new version 1.5, the biggest version that have ever been released. Soon, a new section of Downloads will be available and you'll can download the 2 maps (the original and the "for bots" one) with their minimaps and its plugin to solve an issue on new rounds after the first ends. You can help us by downloading them and, if you like them, play on those maps and i'll be glad :D
NOTE : Our server is a private one, we could never have a public one. It doesn't matter which server you have, what is important is that you play on these maps if you like them, but always keeping its author name "SexGorge" (me) :D

Saturday, January 29, 2011

NS Custom map finished!

Hi guys, long time no see...
I'd like to tell you that the custom classic map (named ns_alphacombat) made by me is now completed and ready to play on it. The current version is the alpha one (0.1).
I will post download links later... now updating... :D

Monday, November 29, 2010

HLTV tournament's trainings are coming!

After 2 weeks without writing, I want to tell you that the HLTV tournament's trainings are coming. We don't know if it will be on Friday 3rd, on Saturday 4th or on Sunday 5th according to our free time. These people will play on the server:
- EEC "EGPP | SexGorge" (me)
- Matex! "EGPP | CJ!"
- Facushca!
- Pablo "rocko / totaso"
EEC "SexGorge" -- EGPP® Producer and director of EGPP® Servers

Friday, November 12, 2010

Blog information

Well, I'd like to tell you that this blog was created by EEC to keep in touch with EGPP® members about their following events (natural selection tournaments, cronicles recording, executive meetings, etc.)
If you want, you can visit the main blog by clicking here
At this time, only the spanish version is available
EEC -- ^EGPP® Producer^ November 12th 2010